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Catholic Directory of Priests, Bishops and People

Find Catholic Churches, Schools, Organisations and Catholic Mass Times near me.

Find a Catholic Church near me, contact a Priest, search by Diocese, find a Mass or Confession near me and much more.

The Catholic Directory has information about almost all Catholc Churches, Schools, Organisations, Religious Houses, Chaplaincies and Associations in the UK and many across the world. The priest in your diocese is easily contactable via email or the contact number provided. The Catholic Directory provides searchable Mass Times, Confessions, Adoration as well as Holy Day Mass Times. Enter your location, and find your Catholic community.

You can also find Catholic Masses that are broadcast or streamed online.

Whether you are a Catholic or not, whether you go to Church regularly or not - one thing you very welcome!

You are also very welcome in any Catholic Church. If you are not sure you can always go and speak to the Parish Priest during the week at their presbytery and tell them that you are interested in attending Church - even if you have never been before. The Parish Priest will be able to give you some reassurance, and we are sure they will be delighted to see you. They will also be able to give you some information about the Mass and answer any questions you have about Catholicicm - although you may want to phone them first if you want to have a conversation as parish priests tend to be very busy running the paris and visiting parishioners.